Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The other day there was a quick write about different technology, and how people get attached to them, or even rely on them as well. For i feel like everyone should have a cellphone. You never know if there is going to be an emergency. Like for instance, say if you have just gotten into a car accident or some weirdo is trying to talk you into getting in his car? what do you do with no phone? Scream? People don't always respond to someone yelling "RAPE" "RAPE". So to me...that is a major necessity. i mean i guess you can say that texting isn't so important... but if you really think about does come in . what is someone has you and you can not call anyone because you'll be too in that case you would text someone asking for help...correct??

Another, i pods and mp3's and walk mens or whatever it is that you listen too is basically there for some entertainment. if your walking by yourself and really bored then just put the earphones in and start listening. For some people music calms them down. so if there is someone with anger problems then there is an easy solution for them. each type of music is completely different. there is poetry type and yelling and even soft mellow. so there for in my own personal opinion, these are really important items. so as the technology goes on to bigger and better ideas then these items wont be as important because no one will want an old boring i pod!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The War

Once found out that Obama was going to send 30,000 more troops to Irag, I found that he was contradicting himself by far! i think that people mainly voted for him because of the fact that he wasn't for the war. i understand that its not easy to just end the war....but that doesn't mean to send over wayyy more troops then he should. Why doesn't he try to make peace with them??? make a treatie or something.

If i had a kid that was in the war, i would be very scared and having Obama be the president that didnt want the war, i would have totally voted for him. And now i would REGRET it horribly. how doesnt he feel bad? going back on his word, and sending people to diee...when some of those people dont even want to be in the war to begin with. i hope that he feels bad because from all the heart ache that others will go through. He wouldn't like it if his kid was going to the war.

Barak Obama is known to the historical..because he's the first black president, but why doesnt he be known for the brilliant man that stopped such a long war. We are hurting innocent people. no one would like it here if afganastan or irag came over here and killed a bunch of people for no reason and sended more people over.

I just hope that he really regrets what his desison is. Because he is going to have to live with it!!


Friday, November 13, 2009

The New and Improved President

It is now 2012 and i am the NEW PRESIDENT... For me it wasn't that hard to become president. Everyone likes me! what makes me different from all of the other bimbo's is that i really want to work with the citizens of America. YEA YEA... thats what all the other presidents say but really in my heart i feel like that is a bunch of bull s*!% .i allow people to write me letters with proposals on how i can help America and i take it into consideration. they want some free health care.. i will work on it. they want less poverty i will work on lowering prices and increasing homeless shelters for those in desperate need. Its not easy having a baby with a job and a house.
Why cant we just have some peace with all the countries that we are in war with? i just seen it as.... we are in war for a specific reason and now we have a bunch of random reason's. i don't want to hurt other people in different countries... i don't want to break their homes. that's mean man!!! we need more niceness in this world and maybe people will want to change for the better. Another thing... when i hear people on the t.v and news talk about all this political talk i honestly CAN NOT understand a word that is coming out of their mouth..why use big words??? to sound smarter??? well i think that they are beating around the bush. they should just come out and say what they need to say. if its a yes or no answer just say YES or NO... i don't want to hear a paragraph.!
So once we become united.. There is no need to thank me.. i'm just doing my job!

Ms. President

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Looking back and reflecting on my writting, i really dont see a difference. ofen times i tend to repete things. But im still working on that. for me, personally, i like blogging because i feel like it will eventually help me become a better writter, and help with vocabulay
Normally when i write essays, i generally do good, but i get the same feedback.which is " look over writing and proof read."if a teacher assigns and essay i just want to get it done. so i do it as fast as i can and rush it. for some reason i hate looking over my work. I find it very boring and i think that there is nothing wrong with it. i know that i shouldnt do this but i cant help myself. Maybe it is because of the fact that i dont like to read in general. So if i do happen to read it over i do it to fast and i dont find any mistakes. thats what makes me irratated. Once i get my paper back and i see that it makes me think that all i really had to do was just read it over and take some time. But i NEVER do.
Therefore, i now plan on revising my writting the to the best of my ability. I am a junior now, so i need to get the hang of it. Coming senior year i will ACCOMPLISH my goal of writting to perfection. Just you watch.....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Future

Once I graduate from high school, I plan on going to Everest, a Career collage and becoming a Medical Assistant. its weird how much my mind has changed from freshman year until now.

In the beginning of the freshman year I remembered I just wanted to be a fashion designer and make my own styles. I've always dreamed of how nice it would be to own my own store and to wear whatever I make. I thought of a colorful and dressy but not to dressy clothing line. fun and spunky but not punky! Sometimes I used to draw out sketches of outfits that i would like to have made, and accessories I would like to have on them. By the middle of sophomore year, I realized how hard it was going to be to make all the clothes and open up a store. I started thinking realistically, how am i going to get all the money to open a store? will i be accepted for a licenses? are people going to buy my product? so that's why i now have figured out a good plan that wont have me thinking any doubts.
This year, being my junior year in high school, i want to just go to a career collage and become a medical assistant. The reason why i say "career collage" is because, i guess you can say i had a little to much fun in my other years at AHS. the training is only 8 months and i would love to work with little kids.then, from there, i could get some experience and maybe just maybe work as a nurse or a doctor. So from here on out, i Need to work my buns off and try my hardest because not everything comes easy in life, especially when your grades are low.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The only girl

As growing up goes..... i have three brothers. one older one, Michael, and two younger ones, Zachie and David. i am the only girl. growing up was different i guess you can say because you would think that since im the only girl i would be spoiled rotten. thats not the case for me, i was one of the boys. my parents raised me to be disaplined and everyone is treated equally. at times i get lonely because i dont have a sister to gossip with or to take clothes from. i could just remember fighting with my little brothers and jus beating them up.. but there was this one time where i had gotten mad at david and punched him but wasnt blocking my face and he got me...good! i ended up having a nice big BLACK eye. as i got older and older, it got more and more harder, i really only got along with boys, because i just found them too be more down to earth, and girls were more uptight and all they wanted to do was talk about themselves or gossip on others. i wasnt so into that. what i loved most as i was getting older was basketball and track, dance, and cheerleading.once middle school hit it got even more complicated, i felt like i had to start to only hangout with girls and start to act more like one as well. but once i took a step back into my house everything changed, i could act myself again and i wasnt afraid to act like it! To this day, everything ended up good,i guess my parents had a plan all along, and that was to grow me up tough and to know the value of things and eventually i will become who i am to this day!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

my hero..... Zachiee

when i was about seven years old my little brother Zach had developed a tumor in his head. At this time he was about six years old....
we hadnt noticed any symptoms of any type of problems but one day, zach's left side went completly out. he couldnt pick up a peice of paper nor anything else. My mom and dad took him into the doctor and he had said that there was nothing wrong with him and hes perfectly fine! THAT WAS A LIE! A couple days later he had a ceaser and then we rushed him into the hospital and they did a M. R. I. on him and noticed something quit odd. around his brain stem lied a tumor. I could just remember the look on his face.... he looked like he was lost and confused. But his exzact words were " ok well we better go in and take it out!!!" a few days later they schedualed an operation appointment and told my parents that its a reskie procedure and only 2% of the world have this cancer so there is no cure... but we will go in and get as much cancer as we possibly can out. 8 hours went by....and they had finished..everything was fine and went smoothly. during this time me and my 2 other brothers were at my grandmas house juts paciently awaiting. zach had stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks....and every single night i could remember just staying up balling because i didnt know if he was going to be ok. once he got home i was scared to look. i had nightmares because of the way he looked..... but i got over that about 3 weeks later and helped my mom wiht zach because he had a tube on the side of his stomach to shoot some anti biotics into him.... all my worries have gone into him... he is my hero and i know that from this experiance i can make it through anything and he has made me who i am to this day!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My biggest regret

you may be wondering about why i titled this blog "My biggest Mistake". Well its because when I was younger I was super dooper close to my grandpa Beau. he would always come over and see me and put the biggest smile on my face. But one day....he came to my house and i had gotten mad at him, and his exzact words were "devon do you want to stay the night at my house tonight?" And i said "NO GRANDPA I HATE YOU!!" I dont really remember why I was so mad at him all, I remember was that i was pissed! and then the next morning he didnt come to my house at the usual time that he would be there. Which was 12:30 no later. And my mom began to worry and she called his work and the boss had answered and said that he hadnt been there today. So my mom wondered HMMMMM..... and then we went to my grandpa's house and i went to the back door and peaked my head in there and i noticed that he was DEAD on the floor with a pile of blood next to time. All I could think was that i kalled him cause of what i said! i was sobbing and thought that i was going to go to jail and be locked up forever. the police came and the corner people came to take my grandpa away to get an atopsie. they resumed with the atopsie and figured out the real reason why he died...and it wasnt because of me...he had a blood clot. that was the most devistating posistion i had ever been in! the hole year my family was in major depression because he was a bundle of joy! so now i know to never say anything that you will regret later on!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

prom 2007

this blog is about when i went to prom. this night was the funnest noihgt i could imagine, my date was mr. hot stuff, i was only a freshman and for me to experiance something so early on was fantastic! the party bus met at my house and all my other peers came over and we had a big dinner before we hit the road. as i got onto the bus i noticed all the lights and music. but once i got inside i looked over and saw somehting that i wasnt exspecting...a stripper pole! that was hilarious! everyone got on the bus and we started moving! my tummy had butterflies because of how excited i was! i didnt really know everyone but that didnt stop me from mingaling! soon enough we had arrived. it was huge! there was a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN that looked very scrumptious and people had already been dancing. so all i could do was get out there and start shaken it! an hour went by and this girl that i didnt know bumpped into me and then threw up on my heel! i was mortified! i ran into the bathroom and cleaned my shoe off. by that time prom was almost over, i was sweating bullets and hot as HELL! we loaded back onto the bus and we were all still dancing, its almost like the party stayed with us and came onto the bus! haha....
the bus dropped us off at my house then we went to a teli (hotel party) and hung out for a couple more hours. then i finally reolized that i was tired and it was about that time to go. i went home and it was about 4:36 AM! i couldnt even beleive it. but all i could think about was my night with mr. hot stuff and how much fun i had had!!!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Schools in session i just have to get through it. But in order for that i have to set some goals.
The first goal that comes to mind would be to keep organized like for instance for the last two
years of my high school life i had a tendency to loose the only homework i did and my quizzes that i could have made up. But hopefully i can be organized, I've been writing my homework when it's due and other assignments in my agenda!
Another goal would be to study, because I've never got all good grades at once. I hate test because every time i take them, i for some reason fail. All i really need to do is study my ass off and then my grades should be average or hopefully higher!
Goal #3 no procrastinating every single year i do this and i tell myself I'm not going to but fall back into this old habit. What i need to do to get better is... stay on top of all my work, always write everything down and don't get distracted.
So just as long as i keep these goals I should have a successful year with no worrying and just have fun.