Thursday, October 8, 2009

The only girl

As growing up goes..... i have three brothers. one older one, Michael, and two younger ones, Zachie and David. i am the only girl. growing up was different i guess you can say because you would think that since im the only girl i would be spoiled rotten. thats not the case for me, i was one of the boys. my parents raised me to be disaplined and everyone is treated equally. at times i get lonely because i dont have a sister to gossip with or to take clothes from. i could just remember fighting with my little brothers and jus beating them up.. but there was this one time where i had gotten mad at david and punched him but wasnt blocking my face and he got me...good! i ended up having a nice big BLACK eye. as i got older and older, it got more and more harder, i really only got along with boys, because i just found them too be more down to earth, and girls were more uptight and all they wanted to do was talk about themselves or gossip on others. i wasnt so into that. what i loved most as i was getting older was basketball and track, dance, and cheerleading.once middle school hit it got even more complicated, i felt like i had to start to only hangout with girls and start to act more like one as well. but once i took a step back into my house everything changed, i could act myself again and i wasnt afraid to act like it! To this day, everything ended up good,i guess my parents had a plan all along, and that was to grow me up tough and to know the value of things and eventually i will become who i am to this day!


Charlie said...

This explains a lot about you. ;^)

It's great that you're getting so much writing mileage out of your family's stories. I really think you'll thank yourself someday for getting all this stuff down on "paper," so to speak.

Technical thing: paragraphs, paragraphs, paragraphs! Ask me for help with it before you post if you want, but I gotta see people's posts broken down into paragraphs or I'm going to lose my mind...

Anonymous said...

Haha. I was in the same boat but its all girls and imma boy.