Monday, June 7, 2010


In the beginning of blogging i didn't really get any feedback but as it went on i started to get more and more comments. i really liked this comment by Sahar,
"Devon, your hilarious! Haha,btw,thats hella sweet of you! He seems,or sounds like a cool guy;based on what you said here, and all the stories you tell us!"

comments like this make it so i want to blog more and it re-insures me that my writing isn't boring, because someone can take the time of day and motivate me. Another comment was from Mr. Sutherland and he said,

"This explains a lot about you.It's great that you're getting so much writing mileage out of your family's stories. I really think you'll thank yourself someday for getting all this stuff down on "paper," so to speak.Technical thing: paragraphs, paragraphs, paragraphs! Ask me for help with it before you post if you want, but I gotta see people's posts broken down into paragraphs or I'm going to lose my mind..."
Feed back helped me grow over the semester because before I would never no if my writing was exciting or boring because i never got feed back but now that i get feed back it helps me understand, and write better. hopefully next year in English or in any other class my writing will be more exciting and better than i started this year because of all the feed back i got, i can use it to revise my writing. feed back not only helps me in my writing it also motivates how i right because if you say that it is boring or isn't good that will make me want to push myself harder to write better, but if it is good it still will make me feel good and i will keep doing the same as I've been doing for this past year. Getting good comments is nice because if i get bad comments I'm not going to want to post any more blogs knowing that it will be bad again, because i don't want people looking at a bad post, so again getting good comments motivates me. also because you feel good about yourself and makes you want to write more because you know that your good at it., and you can show it off. so again hopefully i can use good feed back as an advantage and keep up the good work for next years english or the whole school year.

My all time favorite post this year was one that i recently wrote about, which is about my house. It caught on fire and just left us in tears. this blog is called, " A Bitter Sweet Home Sweet Home." This is my favorite because this shows how much I've really progressed and that I'm not scared to talk about certain issues like I've said before, "Normally i don't really talk about certain struggles that i have made it through." Back in the beginning I've noticed that it is very easy for me beat around the bush and ignore certain topics. But as far as now goes, i love it, personal experiences always catch your readers attention and they stay interested. Once i reread this, i could honestly say that it brought me into tears because it felt so real to me. I titled it A bitter Sweet Home Sweet Home because i felt that that grasped the whole concept of the story. Even though my house caught on fire, my grandparents took us in, But then at the same time that isn't home. Being there is a little nervracting and for most of us in your family we just don't want to be a burden. For me to come out and be openly honest with something so personal is very huge for me. Because in the beginning it was oh so hard. Ive found it that now i am on top of the world and i can write, Blog or,make a poem about anything. There are so many different types and styles of writing. Why not find one that suits you ya know?

Usually as i write, i just think about a certain thing, and just blog. But once i read something, or in class when we have a quick write, i like to just write and try not to stop. I guess you can say that that is my cure for writers block. Just keep on writing and dont think about what your writing, because the more you think the more block you get in your head.When i read things from Mr. Sutherland, he makes me want to proof read my work and he makes it so i can motivate myself better. I mean call me weird, but when i read Mr Sutherland blogs it makes me in a way find who i really am. Because just reading his outlook on things and he just doesn't care on what people think, he just strives and keeps going. Another thing is, is that once i read other things it really expands my train of thought and pushes me to think harder and deeper then i normally would. for instance, Becoming the president. Who in there right mind would think of that? My first post was "The New and Improved President" Which was about what i would do during my presidency. And from there it led me to think about the war. i then titled my next blog, "The War". And this was about how many troops Obama was sending to the war, which was about 30,000! in this i wrote about my feelings on him and said, "Barack Obama is known to the historical..because he's the first black president, but why doesn't he be known for the brilliant man that stopped such a long war. " This just explained why make violence? Why not be known for the one who ended it all? But in conclusion writing is key, and from one idea comes the next. And even though the year is coming to and end, i will continue to blog about my brilliant ideas.. and hopefully i will be as good as Mr. Sutherland one of these days!