Thursday, September 24, 2009

My biggest regret

you may be wondering about why i titled this blog "My biggest Mistake". Well its because when I was younger I was super dooper close to my grandpa Beau. he would always come over and see me and put the biggest smile on my face. But one day....he came to my house and i had gotten mad at him, and his exzact words were "devon do you want to stay the night at my house tonight?" And i said "NO GRANDPA I HATE YOU!!" I dont really remember why I was so mad at him all, I remember was that i was pissed! and then the next morning he didnt come to my house at the usual time that he would be there. Which was 12:30 no later. And my mom began to worry and she called his work and the boss had answered and said that he hadnt been there today. So my mom wondered HMMMMM..... and then we went to my grandpa's house and i went to the back door and peaked my head in there and i noticed that he was DEAD on the floor with a pile of blood next to time. All I could think was that i kalled him cause of what i said! i was sobbing and thought that i was going to go to jail and be locked up forever. the police came and the corner people came to take my grandpa away to get an atopsie. they resumed with the atopsie and figured out the real reason why he died...and it wasnt because of me...he had a blood clot. that was the most devistating posistion i had ever been in! the hole year my family was in major depression because he was a bundle of joy! so now i know to never say anything that you will regret later on!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

prom 2007

this blog is about when i went to prom. this night was the funnest noihgt i could imagine, my date was mr. hot stuff, i was only a freshman and for me to experiance something so early on was fantastic! the party bus met at my house and all my other peers came over and we had a big dinner before we hit the road. as i got onto the bus i noticed all the lights and music. but once i got inside i looked over and saw somehting that i wasnt exspecting...a stripper pole! that was hilarious! everyone got on the bus and we started moving! my tummy had butterflies because of how excited i was! i didnt really know everyone but that didnt stop me from mingaling! soon enough we had arrived. it was huge! there was a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN that looked very scrumptious and people had already been dancing. so all i could do was get out there and start shaken it! an hour went by and this girl that i didnt know bumpped into me and then threw up on my heel! i was mortified! i ran into the bathroom and cleaned my shoe off. by that time prom was almost over, i was sweating bullets and hot as HELL! we loaded back onto the bus and we were all still dancing, its almost like the party stayed with us and came onto the bus! haha....
the bus dropped us off at my house then we went to a teli (hotel party) and hung out for a couple more hours. then i finally reolized that i was tired and it was about that time to go. i went home and it was about 4:36 AM! i couldnt even beleive it. but all i could think about was my night with mr. hot stuff and how much fun i had had!!!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Schools in session i just have to get through it. But in order for that i have to set some goals.
The first goal that comes to mind would be to keep organized like for instance for the last two
years of my high school life i had a tendency to loose the only homework i did and my quizzes that i could have made up. But hopefully i can be organized, I've been writing my homework when it's due and other assignments in my agenda!
Another goal would be to study, because I've never got all good grades at once. I hate test because every time i take them, i for some reason fail. All i really need to do is study my ass off and then my grades should be average or hopefully higher!
Goal #3 no procrastinating every single year i do this and i tell myself I'm not going to but fall back into this old habit. What i need to do to get better is... stay on top of all my work, always write everything down and don't get distracted.
So just as long as i keep these goals I should have a successful year with no worrying and just have fun.