Thursday, October 8, 2009

The only girl

As growing up goes..... i have three brothers. one older one, Michael, and two younger ones, Zachie and David. i am the only girl. growing up was different i guess you can say because you would think that since im the only girl i would be spoiled rotten. thats not the case for me, i was one of the boys. my parents raised me to be disaplined and everyone is treated equally. at times i get lonely because i dont have a sister to gossip with or to take clothes from. i could just remember fighting with my little brothers and jus beating them up.. but there was this one time where i had gotten mad at david and punched him but wasnt blocking my face and he got me...good! i ended up having a nice big BLACK eye. as i got older and older, it got more and more harder, i really only got along with boys, because i just found them too be more down to earth, and girls were more uptight and all they wanted to do was talk about themselves or gossip on others. i wasnt so into that. what i loved most as i was getting older was basketball and track, dance, and cheerleading.once middle school hit it got even more complicated, i felt like i had to start to only hangout with girls and start to act more like one as well. but once i took a step back into my house everything changed, i could act myself again and i wasnt afraid to act like it! To this day, everything ended up good,i guess my parents had a plan all along, and that was to grow me up tough and to know the value of things and eventually i will become who i am to this day!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

my hero..... Zachiee

when i was about seven years old my little brother Zach had developed a tumor in his head. At this time he was about six years old....
we hadnt noticed any symptoms of any type of problems but one day, zach's left side went completly out. he couldnt pick up a peice of paper nor anything else. My mom and dad took him into the doctor and he had said that there was nothing wrong with him and hes perfectly fine! THAT WAS A LIE! A couple days later he had a ceaser and then we rushed him into the hospital and they did a M. R. I. on him and noticed something quit odd. around his brain stem lied a tumor. I could just remember the look on his face.... he looked like he was lost and confused. But his exzact words were " ok well we better go in and take it out!!!" a few days later they schedualed an operation appointment and told my parents that its a reskie procedure and only 2% of the world have this cancer so there is no cure... but we will go in and get as much cancer as we possibly can out. 8 hours went by....and they had finished..everything was fine and went smoothly. during this time me and my 2 other brothers were at my grandmas house juts paciently awaiting. zach had stayed in the hospital for 2 weeks....and every single night i could remember just staying up balling because i didnt know if he was going to be ok. once he got home i was scared to look. i had nightmares because of the way he looked..... but i got over that about 3 weeks later and helped my mom wiht zach because he had a tube on the side of his stomach to shoot some anti biotics into him.... all my worries have gone into him... he is my hero and i know that from this experiance i can make it through anything and he has made me who i am to this day!