Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The other day there was a quick write about different technology, and how people get attached to them, or even rely on them as well. For i feel like everyone should have a cellphone. You never know if there is going to be an emergency. Like for instance, say if you have just gotten into a car accident or some weirdo is trying to talk you into getting in his car? what do you do with no phone? Scream? People don't always respond to someone yelling "RAPE" "RAPE". So to me...that is a major necessity. i mean i guess you can say that texting isn't so important... but if you really think about does come in . what is someone has you and you can not call anyone because you'll be too in that case you would text someone asking for help...correct??

Another, i pods and mp3's and walk mens or whatever it is that you listen too is basically there for some entertainment. if your walking by yourself and really bored then just put the earphones in and start listening. For some people music calms them down. so if there is someone with anger problems then there is an easy solution for them. each type of music is completely different. there is poetry type and yelling and even soft mellow. so there for in my own personal opinion, these are really important items. so as the technology goes on to bigger and better ideas then these items wont be as important because no one will want an old boring i pod!