Monday, January 25, 2010

My Buddy Ed

He calls himself Edward Legacy Jr. ??? i like to call him Ed. He doesn't have a home, and he is an alcoholic/druggie, or was. His life growing up wasn't the best.But on the flip side, he is full of laughter, always thinks on the brighter side, and has these brilliant ideas. He likes to think of himself as an "INVENTOR". since he has all the time in the world to do whatever, he chooses to think, think....and think.Your probably wondering why i am writting about him. Well, its because he inspires me in a weird way. The way he thinks is beyond others imagination and out of the box. Seeing him walking down the street you would NEVER even guess how he really is inside. He doesn't really care about what people think of him. Love him or hate him he's still Ed.

Yesterday i was thinking about the way he goes about things and how much he loves to draw. When he thinks about something he turns it into a picture and puts details to match it perfectly. this really shows he how much a mind can expand.

its weird to me, someone with so much talent with so little money. this world is messed up! his appearance maybe bad, but that doesn't mean that hes not intelligent like Albert Einstein or any other genius. The situation that hes in may not be the best, but that shouldn't be held against him. I wish that other people could just give him a chance and see what i see in him, which is a real intelligent man named Ed!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


In what way(s) have you surprised yourself this semester on your blog? Have you tried topics you didn't think you'd write about? Approached a familiar topic from an unfamiliar angle? Discovered more "depth" to a topic than you first thought was possible? Explain

I have surprised myself a lot with blogging. At first i really had no patience for writing, i tried to beat around the bush, and just as long as it gets down in any way shape or form i was satisfied. at the beginning of blogging i just talked about personal experiences. For the past couple of blogs i talked about subjects that i didn't ever think i would even think about. like Being the president, before writing i did something that i normally wouldn't do which is think about what i want to write and get into detail about it. i thought about how much i don't understand politics and i mentioned that i would just keep it short and simple without confusing people. i thought about the poverty that the world has, and how i want to fix it! even though i was just imagining i still got really into what i was saying. That's a first! Another was the war! This particular subject made me really mad because i thought about it. how can Obama say that he doesnt want the war? And he wanst to bring the troops home? I just feel that he shouldnt bite what he cant chew. Alot of people voted for him because of the fact that he metioned that repetably. But anyways when i first heard about it all i thought was that he was a hipricret. coming from one thought to many is big for me.

Blogging has made me want to start writting on my own, because i can discover the "depth" in a subject. i reolize now that all you have to do is think about what your going to write and once you do its easy enough to write about.

Where do you get your ideas for blog post topics? What inspires you to write?

From some of my blog posts I usually just get my thoughts and ideas from personal experiances. Normally i dont really talk about certain struggles that i have made it through. such as; "My hero....Zachie; and my biggest regret. Just because those are things that have really changed me as a person and made me who i am to this day. And sometimes people dont reolize how deep this means to me. it has taught me not to let my guard down but at the same time life is unpredictable and you only live once. In the begining of the year it was sometimes hard to write about something that someone wants me to talk about. But now, i can write about anything just as long as i put some thought into it. Other posts like the new and improved president' the war, and prom are an example of just fun and random topics. But still i like to talk about stuff like that. i have ALOT to say and I want my oppinions to count to. i feel that i have good things to say but its easier for me to write them down rather then say them. Now thinking about it ifeel that Mr. Sutherland has inspired me to think in a different way then i ever would. which makes my life way way easier. He is so opened minded with the world which has led me to think about all the problems in a different way.I wouldnt ever take a picture and think that it would mean various things. I never thought about the war and what Obama is doing, and how we really have no say in it.For my future topics i hope to be able to expand my mind even more and find the real meaning of whatever it is.

How do you like having a blog? How has blogging changed the way you write, the way you think, or the way you think about writing?

Having a blog is great. For one, it has helped me with writters block because i just let my thoughts out with no hesitation and i just think that no matter how it sounds i can always go back and add small details that i may have left out. Nobody writes perfect! there's always room for improvement. I wasnt sure on how i should write. if i had to be proper or if i could just say whatever came to my head. All these different questions running through my head like: what if i get a bad grade on it? what if it isnt in the right formula? will i get this done on time? And, the worst one, what do i write about? The way i thought in the begining of blogging i would say was just very closed minded. Thats what i think caused me major writters block. I never took a step back to think about the deeper meaning of what i was writting about, because no matter what there is more then one meaning to everything in life. Reading my peers' blogs make me want to compete with them. it may sound weird but thats how it is. I see how good their ideas are and it makes me strive to try in make a better idea, or make a point that no one has made yet. teh outcome that this has made on me is tramendous, writting is so easy to me, im starting to love it. It takes all my frustration and stress away from me. i learned also that, you dont always have to write about something can write about whatever floats your boat. Which includes; personal experiances, my outlook on things, and my future. Writting is now a regular thing that i do. Not because i have to just because i want to. Last but not least, i have recently got into poetry because i thought about what different types of fun writting there is.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


what are some things you'd like to get out of writting more collaboratively with peers? well for me i want to be able to write at the top of my heard without getting writters block. And hopefully being around other people they may have different tecniques on how write more efficiently.

What are somethings you's be willing to contribute to a writting group?i could work on taking my time and reading my work over and others.Another is, if someone needs help i can help them and give them corrections. not to forget, the blogs i will comment them and give my peers feed back that will be useful to them. And for any traditional help that they need i will be happy enough and willing to help them.

Is it more important to work with people that have the same topic as you? or your friends? i think that working with your friends is more important because it wont be awakward, and your can really say what you want about their writting. but as far as the same topic goes, people feel more pressure because someones work may be better or they may point out better ideas about that topic then you do...

What are some rules for the groups? well some rules should be; keep the socializing down, and make sure everyone helps out everyone

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


My dogie reicko is a rottweiler. yea, he's a beast as you can see. But there is more to him then a mean looking face. really deep deep deep down he is a freakin baby! he sits on my lap all the time to protect me and cries alot. But on the flip side, he can be a bit of a pest! he grawls all the time and NEVER shuts up! you think hes going to bite you but really hes just talking to you in his own language.

Pretty much he is a ladies man!! he loves them
amp;s">b!@#$&s! one of his favorites is a golden brown lab named Maddie! if someone mentions her name his tail rises and he begins to cry, then runs to the window and looks for her.the other booty call is a labadoodle (poodle/lab) named Pepper, she doesnt looks that good but i guess looks arnt everything. l0l.

i could just remember when we first got him. his body was very small but his head and paws were so HUGE! he was a funny one might i add. very calm,but at times a wild banana! there was this one time where my mom was mopping and i was playing with him and he ran into the kitchen and flew into the laundry room. i went to go and look for him and he hit his head on the door! omg! it was the funniest thing ever! and just looking at the look on his face was hilarious! he looked as if he had no idea what happened! awwww...pooor poooorrr dog! i will never for get that day

we taught him how to shut the doors and to sit pretty. (which is when he sits up on his but) also he knows how to give us left and right paw.

But for now he is still a clauts. falls down the stairs hits his head on the edge of the tables and even talks in his own language. he's really one of a kind!